Brew in a Bag- Help Needed
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- This topic has 16 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by BeverageCommander.
September 25, 2014 at 8:40 pm #2754RwithersParticipant
don’t know if u guys can help with this new problem????
The recipe is designed for a 40 pint / 23 litre brew withh a starting gravity of approximately 1050. All the grain is milled directly into the one bag, just tip it into your mash tun/grain bag. The total recipe including yeast is supplied:-
4600g Crisp Pale Ale Malt
300g Vienna Malt
100g Aromatic Malt
Mash @66c for 90 mins
15g Galaxy for 90 mins
45g Galaxy last 15 mins.
40g Galaxy Dry Hop
NBS West Coast Yeast, Ferment at 20c
….this is all the instruction that this pack came with and as this is the 1st time iv ever done this I am in need of a lot more instruction please can some one run me through how to do this ?? step by step from me having my water at 72*C so when I pour the grain in the temp lowers to 66-67*C …. the 100grm pack of galaxy I guess I have to put 15gms in straight away and another 45gms 15 mins from end of 90 mins .. but when does the last 40gms go in when and what temp the yeast go in do I strain grain off after the 90 mins or ferment with it in ??how long when done do I leave it till its beer ??? got all the gear and no idea ..!! lol many thanks -
September 25, 2014 at 9:29 pm #2755Richard Coleman, JrKeymaster
Do you have a link to the kit you bought?
I am assuming you are doing a brew in a bag?
1) heat the strike water to 72C
2) Add the grain bag to the pot
3) add the grains to the grain bag (after you add the grains stir them up really well- you don’t want any dough balls) This will lower the temp to your mash temp which is 66-67c. Take a temperature reading after you mix it (you should be close to 66-67c) – -Put the lid on your pot
4)Let the grains mash for an hour
5) after an hour of mashing- pull out the grain bag- let it drain back into the kettle6) Once the grain bag is out turn the heat up to high to get it to boil
7) Once you are boiling set the alarm for 90 minutes
8) add 15 grams of galaxy at 90 minutes
9) add 45 grams with 15 minutes left in the boil
10) the last 40 grams are used in the fermenter (on day 12 add the hops to a hop bag into the fermenter)11) after the boil is finished cool the wort to 21c (put the kettle into the kitchen sink, add ice, add water) stir the work as this cool it quicker. You might have to drain and fill the sink a few times.
12) once the wort is at 21c transfer it to the fermenter
13) add the yeast to the fermenter
14) add the airlock to the fermenter
15) leave the carboy in a dark place for 2 weeks trying to keep the temp steady near 20ccheckout this video on brew in a bag- it might help
September 25, 2014 at 9:37 pm #2759RwithersParticipant
The Dennis kings galaxy delight is one I bought off that site u linked me to the malt Millar if u look on there u will see it !!
September 25, 2014 at 9:40 pm #2761RwithersParticipant
The Dennis kings galaxy delight I bought off the site u linked me to the malt Millar if u look on there u will see it
September 25, 2014 at 9:43 pm #2763Richard Coleman, JrKeymaster
Looks like a good one-
watch that video and checkout my directions-
let me know if you are still unclear after that- it is a fairly easy process- the video should make you feel less stressed.
September 26, 2014 at 8:53 pm #2766RwithersParticipant
cheers bud .. ill get my mash bag first and give it a go
September 28, 2014 at 8:53 pm #2770RwithersParticipant
one more question how much water do I put in the pot to start with ??? and what should I end up with when I take the bag back out ???
September 29, 2014 at 2:37 am #2771BeverageCommanderParticipant
do the directions not have the total volume of water needed?
is the recipe a 5 gallon recipe kit? -
September 29, 2014 at 7:33 am #2772RwithersParticipant
The only thing written on the bag is what I put on this page at the top jus says this is a 40 pint/23liter .!!
If it’s going to make 40 pints I surely need more water to start as corn will soak a fair bit up .!! -
September 29, 2014 at 7:53 pm #2774Richard Coleman, JrKeymaster
I’d shoot them an email or give them a call- see what they say.
Tell them you are doing a brew in a bag -
October 5, 2014 at 6:17 pm #2797RwithersParticipant
When I up hops in and bring to boil at the end do I strain hops back out or leave in to ferment ???
October 5, 2014 at 6:31 pm #2798ElectricHomeDistilleryParticipant
I always leave the hotbreak an and hops and other junk (trub) behind.
Use an autosiphon if you have one and siphon the good stuff out of the pot leaving all the other stuff behind.if you don’t have an auto-siphon it won’t be the end of the world to get some in the fermenter.
October 5, 2014 at 7:46 pm #2799RwithersParticipant
What’s hotbreak ??im a beginner.!! lol
October 5, 2014 at 7:47 pm #2800RwithersParticipant
I got a spare brew bag that will be fine to use to strain off ??
October 5, 2014 at 8:34 pm #2801RwithersParticipant
If I don’t have time to cool it down tonight is ok to cool on its own over night and add yeast first thing in the morning ????
October 6, 2014 at 6:59 am #2803RwithersParticipant
problem …!!!! managed to get it all cooked and cooled down to 20C put the yeast in and stired it in come down this morning and nothing is doing >>!!! what do I do or is it ruined ??? can I activat some bread yeast in a cup and put it in ???
October 6, 2014 at 3:15 pm #2804BeverageCommanderParticipant
It can take 24-48 hours for yeast to get going. Let it sit for a few days.
I am sure it is fine.