How to Make Strawberry Moonshine
June 16, 2014

Strawberry Moonshine Recipe
Strawberries are one of the earliest fruits to ripen during the summer growing season. They’re available early June in most areas. Strawberries are used for all kinds of delicious summer treats; they can be eaten raw, used in dessert dishes such as strawberry shortcake, and are one of the most popular fruits for making jam. However, did you know... Continue Reading>
Home Distilling Laws: Is It Legal To Make Moonshine In Colorado?
June 6, 2014

The following questions will be answered in this article:
Is it legal to own a non-alcohol producing still (for water purification, etc.)?
Is it legal to distill alcohol without possession of a commercial distiller’s permit or a fuel alcohol permit?
What is the penalty for possessing / and or selling illegally produced spirits without a permit?
Is a commercial distillery... Continue Reading>
Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye
June 5, 2014

Have you ever had one of those days? You know- one of THOSE days. The day you forget to zip up your fly. The day where your boss makes you work an hour late. One of those days where nothing goes right and you can’t catch a break… Well, I have the cure for you right here: Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye. Take out your wallet, give the hardworking bartender your hard... Continue Reading>
Home Distilling Laws: Is it Legal to Make Moonshine in Illinois?
March 21, 2014

The following questions will be answered in this article:
Is it legal to own an still in Illinois?
Is it legal to make moonshine in Illinois?
What is the legal penalty for owning an unauthorized still in Illinois?
What is the penalty for selling moonshine in Illinois?
Is a fuel alcohol permit available in Illinois?
Is it Legal to Own a Still in Illinois?
No. Illinois statute,... Continue Reading>