Please redirect me if this is not the proper location for a question. I have 13 gallons of mash boiled for one hour with 35 pounds of corn sugar. The OG is 1.106. My extraction info source has passed away. How much additional sugar must I add after boiling existing mash to raise OG to 1.120. I am pitching two packs of Turbo yeast. Thank you very much.
I would just add the sugar to the mash without boiling- just mix it with a sterilized mash paddle or spoon and take reading after each pound. If you already added the yeast I would just let it do its thing and not add anymore sugar.
if you ferment 1.106 down to 1.010 you will get 12.60%
if you ferment 1.106 down to 1.000 you will get 13.91%