Zymurgy Bob,
Thank you for your detailed response. It may have seemed long-winded to you, but I can assure you it was a pleasure to read! I will no longer be following the procedure set forth by that tutorial. Do you happen to have any suggestions for a simple, clean-cut tutorial for beginners?
The only real steps we took from the wiki tutorial, however, was the recipe and cooking the mash. Other than that, we have been following this guy’s tutorial from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-nGbAf81Zs
He seems to know what he is talking about, but if you have any other tips I would be glad to listen to them. We didn’t follow this man’s recipe because, personally, I would have no idea where to purchase some of the ingredients he uses in his video.
Anyways, the two batches we made (that I mentioned above), are fermenting in my basement right now and the yeast seems to be making a good amount of CO2. Do you think we should continue forth with those batches and attempt to distill them or would the end-result not be good at all?
Once again, thank you for your reply!