i have made some tasy peach shine.I use 2 boxes of super ripe peaches blended with 4 lb of sugar add 4 lb of sugar boil to 100′ let cool
then add a pack of champaine yeast put it in a 5 gal carboy for 2 weeks.
i run it fast through me still (5 gal) i use the copper mesh in the column. tossing out the first 4 table spoons of methanol.
then once i extract all the booze i dump 1/2 of the remaining mash toss the booze back into the mash and run the temp at 150′ and re extract the booze and i do this 2 more times. My shine is very mellow and i put it in a glass jug for a few weeks with oak chips
cut it to 80′ proof with distilled water so it dont burn your stomach then i mix up a mix of peach juice / kearns nectar and a cup of peach shine in a mason jar with sliced peaches put it in the fridge for a week and it one very tasty flavorful smooth drink
no harsh shine after taste